During the months of December through February, Church Basketball was in full swing. I had the pleasure of head coaching the Girls Team. We had a fantastic season! And by that, I mean, we only won one game! But we really did have a lot of fun. We made it into the playoffs (because everybody does) and we gave St. Paul a run for their money. Unfortunately, we came up just short. But it seriously was so much fun coaching this team!
We also have been able to do some other fun activities since then. We went to a Charlotte Hornets game as a youth group! It was a blast! And the Hornets won!
We also went to Winter Jam in Greenville! Thanks to one of the parents of one of my youth, we were able to get a suite! It was sweet! We had a blast, and there were so many wonderful Christian artists there! It was a fantastic concert!

Finally, just last weekend, we went to to the Greenville Road Warriors Hockey game! We had a blast there! We had fantastic seats, only 3 rows from the ice! It was so much fun!

So as you can see! We have been super busy with the BUMS! We have been doing a combination of a lot of fun and service opportunities as well. Coming up, we are headed on a Parent / Youth Retreat in late April. And then, we will be in Summer Time, where we will be doing stuff all the time!
So I hope that you have enjoyed this little catch-up as where I've been. I still absolutely love my job! People ask me still, all the time, if I miss teaching and how I like my job. And I just tell them with so much excitement how much I love it! It is the best job and I love every single minute of it. Sure, there are some tough parts, but it's worth it. As the old saying goes "Time flies when you're having fun." I still can't believe that I am coming up on completing my 8th month here at Bethel! It has absolutely flown by! But it really is because I just enjoy it so much!
It is amazing that my full time job is to get to hang out with kids, but more importantly, teach them the word of God on a daily basis. Just today, as I was preparing for my lesson tomorrow night, I seriously just felt my heart swell up with joy! I just love it! I love being able to teach God's word every week! It is so much fun!
So that's all for now! Wow, two blog posts in a week! What is wrong with me! I don't think I've ever done this before. I promise, I will try to make the next one happen before 6 months passes again! Until next time!
In Christ,
Todd Handell
So as you can see! We have been super busy with the BUMS! We have been doing a combination of a lot of fun and service opportunities as well. Coming up, we are headed on a Parent / Youth Retreat in late April. And then, we will be in Summer Time, where we will be doing stuff all the time!
So I hope that you have enjoyed this little catch-up as where I've been. I still absolutely love my job! People ask me still, all the time, if I miss teaching and how I like my job. And I just tell them with so much excitement how much I love it! It is the best job and I love every single minute of it. Sure, there are some tough parts, but it's worth it. As the old saying goes "Time flies when you're having fun." I still can't believe that I am coming up on completing my 8th month here at Bethel! It has absolutely flown by! But it really is because I just enjoy it so much!
It is amazing that my full time job is to get to hang out with kids, but more importantly, teach them the word of God on a daily basis. Just today, as I was preparing for my lesson tomorrow night, I seriously just felt my heart swell up with joy! I just love it! I love being able to teach God's word every week! It is so much fun!
So that's all for now! Wow, two blog posts in a week! What is wrong with me! I don't think I've ever done this before. I promise, I will try to make the next one happen before 6 months passes again! Until next time!
In Christ,
Todd Handell