I am happy to give you our final update from our mission work days here in Wilmington, NC.
This morning we split our group among the 3 main construction sites that we have been working on all week. I actually had the pleasure of getting to drive around in the van to all 3 projects so I could check them out.
Our first project finished at least getting the base of the floor finished in the house. The floor had been completed rotted out, so they had to rip out the carpet and padding and the floor and replace the entire floor. They did an amazing job!
Our second construction team was also working on some flooring. They replaced the b
ase of the floor in a bathroom and a kitchen. They were also beginning to get some tiled laid in both rooms, but weren't able to quite finish.
Our third construction team was doing all kinds of projects at one house. They did some painting on the outside of the house, replaced a window, as well as did some flooring. They had some hiccups throughout the week, but they stuck with it and got a lot of work done.
We also wrapped up our Vacation Bible School today. We had 12 kids today at Vacation Bible School. It was a little disappointing that our numbers went down after Day 2, but once again our students did such a good job being flexible. Overall, I would consider the VBS (and really the entire trip) a major success.
Tonight, we had our second block party. We hosted it at a ministry called Switchin Gears, which is main ministry of The Anchor UMC, which is the church that Emma Mathis is the intern at this summer. The main purpose of Switchin Gears is to provide bikes for those that are less fortunate. People will donate bikes and they will fix them up to give out to people. We had another great turnout at the block party! And this time we had a good many more kids come and play our carnival games and such! It was great to partner with The Anchor UMC for this event!
It's hard to believe our mission week has come to an end. Tomorrow morning, we will head to downtown Wilmington to let the kids explore the town for a little while before we head home tomorrow night.
Thank you all so much for all your prayers and support to make this trip possible! We couldn't have done it without you!
In Christ,
Todd Handell