Saturday, January 4, 2014

Give me a break....

Well, where has the time gone? I can't believe I am nearly halfway through my first year of teaching. It has absolutely flown by, and it has been quite a journey. I have been extremely busy, which would probably explain this blog, or really, the lack there of, because I haven't written since after my first week of teaching. Now 16 weeks of school later, I am finally finding some time to write again.

This first semester of school has been pretty crazy! I have been so busy with keeping up with my school as well as having a life outside of school. School has been dominating my life, because it is demanding, and I have been enjoying it lately. But most importantly, Christmas Break came at the perfect time.

It is amazing how I appreciate Christmas break so much differently than I used to. As a student, for all of my life until this point, I looked forward to Christmas Break because I was tired of school at that point and just wanted to get away from it at that point. However, this year. I looked forward to some time to just truly rest, relax, and just get rejuvenated for my next semester of teaching. And that is exactly what I did. I took some time to go back home to Spartanburg, to see my family and enjoy Christmas and New Years with them. It was also great because I got to also see my 2nd family, my church Family at Bethel, who I miss so much after working there this past summer. I also got to spend some quality time with friends who I hadn't seen since I moved. It was a good time at home. It was also nice just to be able to come back to Charleston and enjoy some relaxing time here. Even though the weather hasn't cooperated with typical Charleston weather. We haven't seen a temperature above 50 recently. I wasn't ready for that, especially considering today is the first day me and Joey turned on the heat in our apartment!

Overall, it was a great break. It was truly nice to get relaxed and ready to go at it again. Before I know it, it will be June, and I will be done with my 1st year of teaching. I am looking forward to this next semester of teaching. I have definitely had some struggles this year with being motivated as a teacher, as it has been hard making adjustments. But now I really feel I am in a groove of teaching, and I have a pretty good grip on what I am doing now. It wouldn't be possible either without all of my co-workers. The Special Ed team at Pye Elementary is one of a kind, and they have been so supportive of me in my first year of teaching, and I have been so grateful for each of them. So here is to another semester of teaching! June, here I come!

In other news that has nothing to do with teaching at all, how bout my PANTHERS! It has been so awesome to see this team continue to build over the years and finally reach the playoffs! Their defense is incredible! I can't wait to watch them in the playoffs next week! Go Panthers! Hopefully they ride this all the way to the Super Bowl!

That is all for now. For anyone that still reads this, hope you enjoy!

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